We are dedicated to bringing world-class care close to home.

We are dedicated to providing top-quality care to our community. Our team is passionate about helping our patients achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

We are dedicated to bringing world-class care close to home.

We are passionate about helping our patients achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Our team of skilled healthcare professionals is committed to delivering world-class care and utilizing the latest technology to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.



Alpine Tundra Medical Center brings world-class care to the community with a skilled, compassionate team and state-of-the-art technology.

We are dedicated to bringing the care you deserve close to home.


"We are dedicated to providing top-quality care to our community. Our team is passionate about helping our patients achieve optimal health and wellbeing."

Karen Sandoval, CEO


"At Alpine Tundra Medical Center, we may be a small hospital, but we are committed to providing world-class care to our patients."

Daniel Castillo, Chief Surgery Officer



Meet our team

Our team is a collection of passionate people dedicated to bringing world-class care close to home.



Get a free consultation

‍At Alpine Tundra Medical Center, we are proud to serve the healthcare needs of our community at locations conveniently located throughout the area, ensuring that high-quality care is always within reach.

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Our team is dedicated to providing top-quality healthcare to our community with compassion, respect, and excellence.

Daniel Castillo

Chief Surgical Officer